A person in a dark jacket with "Sapphire" embroidered on it is smiling and sitting at a light-colored desk, their passion evident. Behind them is a modern office space with large windows, assorted furniture, and a glass partition. The ambiance is bright and inviting, reflecting their journey to Sapphire.

Hello, my name is Ismail Musa Aji, and I am thrilled to share my journey with you. Originally from Nigeria, I pursued a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering, which laid a strong foundation for my technical skills and sparked my interest in cyber security. Today, I am proud to advance my expertise by undertaking a master’s degree in Cybersecurity at the University of Westminster in London. Alongside my studies, I am fortunate to be part of the dynamic team at Sapphire, a leading cyber security company in the UK.


Choosing Sapphire was a deliberate and inspired decision, driven by several key factors:

  • Reputation For Excellence: Sapphire is renowned for its comprehensive approach to cyber security, consistently delivering high-quality services and solutions. The company’s dedication to protecting organisations from evolving cyber threats aligns perfectly with my passion for safeguarding digital environments.
  • Innovative Environment: At Sapphire, innovation is at the heart of everything we do. The company’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve in cyber security practices and technologies provides an ideal environment for learning and growth. I was eager to be part of a team that values creativity and continuous improvement.
  • Professional Development: Sapphire offers an excellent platform for professional development. The opportunity to work alongside seasoned experts in the field has been invaluable. The mentorship and collaborative culture here have significantly enhanced my skills and knowledge, complementing my academic pursuits.

What I do at SAPPHIRE

At Sapphire, my role is both challenging and rewarding. I am involved in various aspects of cyber security, including threat analysis, risk assessment, and implementing robust security measures. My day-to-day responsibilities include:

  • DMARC RUA Record Management: I take DMARC RUA records (XML files) from email inboxes and load them into a database. This allows us to analyse and identify the source addresses of phishing IP addresses. This process is crucial for enhancing our understanding of phishing patterns and mitigating such threats effectively.
  • Phishing Email Analysis: I work on parsing phishing emails that are sent to us. By building and utilising code to compare these emails against threat databases and APIs, we generate actionable insights. These results are then forwarded to our Sentinel Security Operations Center (SOC) for further analysis and response.
  • DMARC RUA Records Decomposition: For our customers, I decompose DMARC RUA reports to distinguish between valid and invalid emails. This decomposition helps clients better understand their email traffic and identify potential threats, improving their overall email security posture.
  • PDNS Services Using DNS Server/Appliances: I manage a DNS server/appliance to parse traffic through known secure DNS services. By doing this, we provide our Private DNS (PDNS) services, which add an extra layer of security for our clients by filtering out malicious domains and ensuring safer internet usage.

Looking Ahead: A Future Filled with Innovation

The world of cyber security is constantly evolving. Here at Sapphire, I’m surrounded by a team of passionate individuals continually pushing the boundaries of security innovation. I’m excited to join this journey and contribute my skills as we develop groundbreaking solutions to combat the ever-increasing threats in the digital landscape.

In conclusion, my journey to Sapphire has been marked by growth, learning, and a deepened passion for cyber security. I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped my path thus far, and I look forward to continuing this journey with the talented team at Sapphire. Together, we are committed to leading the way in cyber security and protecting organisations and individuals from the ever-present threat of cyber crime.

Stay tuned for future posts where I’ll delve deeper into specific projects and the fascinating world of cyber security!

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